Wednesday, 13 August 2008

rumah manisah di walsall brimingham-06-09/08/2008

this is my dear friend`s house....she is from malaysia and have been in uk about 8 years...we know each other way back then when we both work in a the same company in malaysia which was got to do with airlines..she renting a nice house and well maintain just like a 5 star hotel.... well vati thks for letting us sleep over at our place for couple of nite....i do enjoy seeing you again after all this years...u are such a darling with my kids and they are easy attched to you to it seems...the gals keep on asking about you when they c this sent my love and rgds to mom/dad n d boys too ya...she a great friend to in a million lerrr..... ``.wehhh `jangan lupa budaya kita org malaysia tau tak kira apa bangsa ler`...janji hidup makmur dan damai dalam satu negara yang tak membezakan agama dan budaya...tak macam sesetengah2 negara yg lebih maju ```kena berpijak dibumi yg nyata....``` .said sorry to mom if i have not call her quite sometimes....well i guess you know me always busy with the kids now since i have no maid keep in touch yaa dont forget to ctc me if happen you come down to london.....take a good care of yourself always k...ooh yaa pray that you will have good housemates soon as you are such a good and pleasent person to be with too........... the family photo that i manage to snap in her bedroom...such a loving and caring family....hemmm mummy i wont forget your special chicken sambal the best...muahhhhhhh superb......hope to her again when i back in dear friend i pray for your happiness always...dont worry one day you will find mr right but not mr perfect ...huhhh coz nobody is perfect in this world........

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