Saturday, 24 May 2008

butlins holiday / percutian butlins-19/02/2008

this is bognor regis town center we go out for a day to buy things
and to look around the town..just a small town wont get lost though..
the kids love to rides they have a good time riding it although you
have to pay for the ride...
the kids love to jump also...the trampulin is free of charge but there is time limit for each person so all of them have the change to play...
the marygoround is free you can have a spin a much as you like...there are about 50 games free plus to the fun in the pool... amirul in the toodler centre there are lots of toys to play with and books for reading....parents and grandparent can babyseat them a nice cozy place the pools are big fun for kids and adult too.if you are not swiming there a place to watch and wait at the upper level...
there always a nite fun too for all ages there are shows from the story books and during the break time the kids have fun dancing on the floor with some disco music the adult also can join in ...member staff of the butlins holiday park are every where to help a assit if there are help require.......
the are plenty to do in the theme park ...story time with a puppet show by the theme staff normally in the noon for the kids....eveyday there always different stories to tell there are alots of slot meachines jackpots...coins changing ......well you just have to prepared the and adults are crazy n hooked by this meachines...... this is one of the rides that are free for the ride...bugs and lots more...........
anisa fall sick on the 3day dont know why she keep on vomiting and had a fever...pity her luckly near the end of our trip.... and during her sickness i took amira and amirul out to enjoy themself..... amira and her dad had the last spin and ride go-cart well she does love to ride and not afraid of the speed.....she dont wanna to go home yet but we have to make a move as anisa is still not feeling well......

pekan bognor regis yang kecil tapi ada taman tema untuk seisi keluarga...jauh juga tempat nie nak dekat 2jam memandu dan ianya dekat juga dengan tepi pantai....kalau nak kemari tak ada lebuhraya kena ikut jalan kampung tapi ianya cantik dan elok berbukit2 juga la tapi pemandangan yang cantik dan sejuk mata memandang...semuanya ada dalam taman tema nie kami ambil bilik atau aptmnt yang boleh memasak jadi senang aje......

macam2 ada disini kalau mesin judi tu jangan cakap laa banyak betul dari semahalnya sampaikan ke 1sen pun ada.yang mainan untuk dapat mainan pun banyak juga..ada kira2 50 mainan percuma disediakan.pertunjukan malam untuk kanak2 dan dewasa...dan bila waktu rehat apa lagi kanak2 dibenarkan menarik diruang hadapan pentas pertunjukan dengan lagu2 yang menarik diputarkan

tengahari selalunya diadakan ruang bercerita siap dengan wataknya sekali oleh kakitangan taman tema...setiap hari jadualnya berbeza tak sama....kalau nak berenang pergi tengahari sikit jadi tak terlalu lama untuk beratur....

kami tengok wayang sebab tak ramai orang jadi budak2 nie suka senang pun ....ada kedai untuk membeli belah barang makanan tapi tak la banyak sangat...kedai laundry...semuanya kemudahan untuk kanak2 dan orang dewasa.....kami pergi sememangnya waktu cuti sekolah agak ramai juga la......

berbaloi tempat nie pergi....kalau digenting ok juga tapikan genting tu tempat permainannya dah padat dan bila orang ramai makin sempit pula rasanya......

dua hari sebelum balik anisa pula jatuh sakit kesian tengok dia demam dan muntah2 tak tahu ler kenapa pula ....kami yang lain tak ada apa pula....bila dia rehat dengan ayahnya ...ummi ,amira dan amirul bawa mereka keluar main dan pusing2 sekitar taman tema...senang tempat tinggal dan taman tema selari tak lah jauh....cuma cuaca masih lagi sejuk...tapi tak hujan itu yang bagusnya....

percutian yang menarik......

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